(PROCEEDING) Y. Shi, M. Liu, S. Dewil, N. Harel, S. Sanford, R Nataraj, “Augmented sensory feedback during training of upper extremity function in virtual reality,” IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System, June 2024.
A. Khan, K. Li, R. Nataraj, N. Wei, “Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on evoked tactile sensation for fingertip force control,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 2024.
S Hnat, R Nataraj, “Muscle model control of knee joint torque in a powered lower-body orthosis,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine., Feb 2023.
S. Dewil, S. Kuptchik, M. Liu, S. Sanford, T. Bradbury, E. Davis, A. Clemente, R. Nataraj, “The cognitive basis for virtual reality rehabilitation of upper-extremity motor function,” Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces, 2023.
R. Nataraj, S. Sanford, M. Liu, “Variations in Squat Biomechanics with Changes in Visual Feedback Types,” Biomechanics (MDPI) 2023.
M. Liu, S. Wilder, S. Sanford, M. Glassen, S. Dewil, S. Saleh, R Nataraj, “Augmented Feedback Modes during Functional Grasp Training with an Intelligent Glove and Virtual Reality for Persons with Traumatic Brain Injury,” Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2023.
(PROCEEDING) S. Dewil, M. Liu, S. Sanford, R. Nataraj, “Neural Responses during a Force-control Motor Task with Altered Visual Feedback,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality, July 2023.
(PROCEEDING) M. Liu, S. Wilder, S. Sanford, S. Dewil, S. Saleh, R. Nataraj, “EEG and Motor Effects of Multimodal Feedback to Train Functional Grasp after Traumatic Brain Injury,” IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System, June 2023.
(PROCEEDING) M. Liu, S. Wilder, S. Sanford, S. Dewil, N. Harel, R. Nataraj, “Multimodal Augmented Feedback for Functional Grasp Training using a Smart Glove and Virtual Reality for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury,” International Conference in Virtual Reality, May 2023.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, S Dewil, R Nataraj, “Investigating features in augmented visual feedback for virtual reality rehabilitation of upper-extremity function through isometric muscle control,” Front. Virtual Real., Nov 2022.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, M Liu, N Harel, “Hand dominance in the performance and perceptions of virtual reach control,” Acta Psychologica, January 2022.
(PROCEEDING) L. Vataksi, S. Sanford, M. Liu, S. Sanford, R. Nataraj, “Instrumented Upper-Body Brace for Computerized Training of Muscle Control,” International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, July 2022.
N Zhang, K Li, G Li, R Nataraj, N Wei, “Multiplex Recurrence Network Analysis of Inter-Muscular Coordination During Sustained Grip and Pinch Contractions at Different Force Levels,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, October 2021.
S Sanford, M Liu, R Nataraj, “Concurrent Continuous Versus Bandwidth Visual Feedback With Varying Body Representation for the 2-Legged Squat Exercise,” Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, February 2021.
K Walsh, S Sanford, B Collins, N Harel, R Nataraj, “Performance potential of classical machine learning and deep learning classifiers for isometric upper-body myoelectric control of direction in virtual reality with reduced muscle inputs,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, February 2021.
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, S Saleh, N Harel, R Nataraj, “Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from an Instrumented Glove to Improve Functional Grasp Performance,” Sensors, February 2021.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, “Control Modifications of Grasp Force Covaries Agency and Performance on Rigid and Compliant Surfaces,” Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, January 2021.
S Sanford, M Liu, T Selvaggi, R Nataraj, “Effects of Visual Feedback Complexity on the Performance of a Movement Task for Rehabilitation,” Journal of Motor Behavior, 2020.
R Nataraj, D Hollinger, M Liu, A Shah, “Disproportionate positive feedback facilitates sense of agency and performance for a reaching movement task with a virtual hand,” 2020.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, A Shah, M Liu, “Agency and Performance of Reach-to-Grasp With Modified Control of a Virtual Hand: Implications for Rehabilitation,” Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020.
(CHAPTER) R Nataraj, S Sanford, M Liu, K Walsh, S Wilder, A Santo, D Hollinger. "Cognitive and Physiological Intent for the Adaptation of Motor Prostheses", Advances in Motor Neuroprostheses (Springer), April 2020.
(PROCEEDING) M. Burns, J. Stika, V. Patel, D. Pei, R. Nataraj, R Vinjamuri†, “Lateralization and Model Transference in a Bilateral Cursor Task,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, July 2020.
(PROCEEDING) M. Burns, Z. Zavoda, R. Nataraj, K. Pochiraju, R. Vinjamuri, “HERCULES: A Three Degree-of-Freedom Pneumatic Upper Limb Exoskeleton for Stroke Rehabilitation,” IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society, July 2020.
(PROCEEDING) S. Sanford, M. Liu, T. Selvaggi, R. Nataraj, “The Effects of Visual Feedback Complexity on Training the Two-Legged Squat Exercise,” International Conference on Movement and Computing, July 2020.
(PROCEEDING) M. Liu, S. Wilder, S. Sanford, R. Nataraj, “Inducing Cognition of Secure Grasp and Agency to Accelerate Motor Rehabilitation from an Instrumented Glove,” International Conference on Movement and Computing, July 2020.
J Schofield, C Shell, Z Thumser, D Beckler, R Nataraj, P Marasco “Characterization of the Sense of Agency over the Actions of Neural-machine Interface-operated Prostheses”, Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE).
P Marasco, J Hebert, J Sensinger, C Shell, J Schofield, Z Thumser, R Nataraj, D Beckler, M Dawson, D Blustein, S Gill, B Mensh, R Granja-Vazquez, M Newcomb, J Carey and B Orzell “Illusory movement perception improves motor control for prosthetic hands”, Science Translational Medicine, March 2018.
(CHAPTER) R Nataraj. "Optimizing User Integration for Individualized Rehabilitation", Biomimetic Prosthetics, February 2018.
R Nataraj, AJ van den Bogert, "Simulation Analysis of Linear Quadratic Regulator Control of Sagittal-Plane Human Walking: Implications for Exoskeletons", J Biomech Eng, August 2017.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, RJ Triolo, "Restoring standing capabilities with feedback control of functional neuromuscular stimulation following spinal cord injury", Med Eng Phys, February 2017.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, RJ Triolo, “Simulating the restoration of standing balance at leaning postures with functional neuromuscular stimulation following spinal cord injury”, Med Biol Eng Comp, January 2016.
R Nataraj, ZM Li, “Integration of marker and force data to compute three-dimensional joint moments of the thumb and index finger digits during pinch”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2015.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, ZM Li, “Changes in the precision pinch mechanics with surface compliance”, Journal of Biomechanics, February 2015.
R Nataraj, PJ Evans, WH Seitz, ZM Li, “Pathokinematics of precision pinch associated with carpal tunnel syndrome”, Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 2014.
R Nataraj, PJ Evans, WH Seitz, ZM Li, “The effects of carpal tunnel syndrome on the reach-to-pinch maneuver”, PLOS ONE, 2014.
TL Marquardt, R Nataraj, PJ Evans, WH Seitz, ZM Li, “Thumb kinematic performance with carpal tunnel syndrome”, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, April 2014.
ML Audu, SJ Gartman, R Nataraj, RJ Triolo, “Posture dependent muscle stimulation control in a standing neuroprosthesis: A simulation feasibility study”, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2014.
RR Nataraj, CF Pasluosta, ZM Li, “Visual feedback regulates kinematic variability of the grasping digits relatively more than hand transport during reach-to-pinch”, Human Movement Science, August 2014.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, and RJ Triolo, “Adapting gains of control system using center of mass acceleration feedback for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation”, Applied Bionics and Biomechanics, November 2014.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, and RJ Triolo, “Center of mass acceleration feedback control for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation against external perturbations”, IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering, 2013.
R Nataraj and ZM Li, “Robust identification of three-dimensional thumb and index finger kinematics with a minimal set of markers”, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 2013.
K Li, R Nataraj, TL Marquardt, ZM Li, “Directional coordination of thumb and finger forces during precision pinch”, PLOS ONE, 2013.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, RF Kirsch, and RJ Triolo, “Trunk acceleration for neuroprosthetic control of standing: a pilot study”, Journal of Applied Biomechanics, 2012.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, RF Kirsch, and RJ Triolo, “Center of mass acceleration feedback control for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation: a simulation study”, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2012.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, and RJ Triolo, “Comparing joint kinematics and center of mass acceleration as feedback for control of standing balance by functional neuromuscular stimulation”, Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 2012.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, and RJ Triolo, “Center of mass acceleration feedback control for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation in the presence of internal perturbations”, Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 2012.
ZL Shen, TA Mondello, R Nataraj, MF Domalain, and ZM Li, “A digit alignment device for kinematic analysis of the thumb and index finger”, Gait & Posture, 2012.
ML Audu, R Nataraj, SJ Gartman, and RJ Triolo, “Posture shifting after spinal cord injury using functional neuromuscular stimulation: a computer simulation study”, Journal of Biomechanics, 2011.
R Nataraj, ML Audu, RF Kirsch, and RJ Triolo, “Comprehensive joint feedback control for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation following spinal cord injury: a simulation study”, IEEE Transactions in Neural Systems and Rehabilitation, 2010.