R Nataraj, “Personalizing Sensory-Driven Computerized Interfaces to Optimize Motor Rehabilitation,” International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (November 2024)
M Liu, S Dewil, "Electromyography Applications for Motor Rehabilitation with Computerized Interfaces Such as Virtual Reality", iCreate Conference (August 2024)
Y. Shi, M. Liu, S. Dewil, N. Harel, R Nataraj, “The User-Level Effects of Varying Augmented Sensory Feedback During Training of a Motor Rehabilitation Task,” American Society of Biomechanics (August 2024)
S. Dewil, Y. Shi, R Nataraj, “Error Induction to Improve Motor Performance and Increase EEG Theta Band Power during a Rehabilitative Training Task,” American Society of Biomechanics (August 2024)
Y. Shi, S. Dewil, K. Castner, R Nataraj, “Differential Impact of Task Difficulty on Performance Outcomes in Motor Rehabilitation with Augmented Sensory Feedback,” NYC Neuromodulation Conference (June 2024)
S. Dewil, Y. Shi, R Nataraj, “Error Induction to Improve Performance with Increased EEG Theta Power for a Motor Rehabilitation Task,” NYC Neuromodulation Conference (June 2024)
Y. Shi, M. Liu, S. Dewil, N. Harel, S. Sanford, R Nataraj, “Augmented sensory feedback during training of upper extremity function in virtual reality,” IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System (June 2024).
S. Dewil, Y. Shi, R Nataraj, “Error induction during rehabilitative training improves motor performance and increases EEG theta band power,” Northeast Bioengineering Conference (April 2024).
Y. Shi, M. Liu, S. Dewil, R Nataraj, “Augmented sensory feedback in rehabilitative training,” Northeast Bioengineering Conference (April 2024).
S. Dewil, M. Liu, S. Sanford, R. Nataraj, “Neural Responses during a Forcecontrol Motor Task with Altered Visual Feedback,” International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (July 2023). Awarded Best Paper in Session
M. Liu, S. Wilder, S. Sanford, S. Dewil, S. Saleh, R. Nataraj, “EEG and Motor Effects of Multimodal Feedback to Train Functional Grasp after Traumatic Brain Injury,” IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical System (June 2023).
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, S Dewil, N Harel, R Nataraj, "Multimodal Augmented Feedback for Functional Grasp Training using a Smart Glove and Virtual Reality for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury", 2023 9th International Conference on Virtual Reality (May 2023)
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, S Dewil, N Harel, R Nataraj, "Functional Grasp Training using Mixed-Mode Reality after Spinal Cord Injury", Northeastern Bioenginnering Conference (March 2023)
S Dewil, M Liu, S Sanford, R Nataraj, "Electroencephalography (EEG) Responses with Motor Tasks Guided by Computerized Feedback", Northeastern Bioenginnering Conference (March 2023)
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality to Improve Grasp Performance", Johnson&Johnson Research Showcase (October 2022)
D Yu, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Support Vector Machine Classification of Visual Attention from EEG Inputs during Multimodal Sensory Feedback", Northeastern Bioenginnering Conference (August 2022)
L Vataksi, S Sanford, M Liu, S Sanford, R Nataraj, “Instrumented UpperBody Brace for Computerized Training of Muscle Control,” International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems (July 2022)
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality to Improve Grasp Performance", Northeastern Bioengineering Conference (April 2022)
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, S Dewil, R Nataraj, "Augmented visual feedback for virtual reality-based rehabilitation utilizing isometric muscle control", Northeastern Bioengineering Conference (April 2022)
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality Immersion to Improve Functional Grasp Performance", RehabWeek 2021 International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (September 2021), Virtual.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Multi-sensory feedback for myoelectric control", RehabWeek 2021 International Society for Virtual Rehabilitation (September 2021), Virtual.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Visual and vibrotactile feedback for improving myoelectric control within immersive virtual reality environments", Carnegie Mellon Forum on Biomedical Engineering (September 2021), Virtual.
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, “Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality to Improve Grasp Performance”, 45th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (August 2021), Virtual.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, R Nataraj, “Vibrotactile Feedback for Improved Control of Myoelectric Devices”, 45th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (August 2021), Virtual.
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality to Improve Grasp Performance", Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (May 2021), Virtual.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Multi-Sensory Feedback for Myoelectric Control", Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (May 2021), Virtual.
E LaGrassa, S Sanford, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Empirical Relationship between Neurophysiological Signals and Perception of Agency during a Virtual Reality Grasp Task", 10th International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (May 2021), Virtual.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, M Liu, N Harel, S Saleh, "Cognitive-based motor rehabilitation with computerized interfaces", 2nd Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation Summit (April 2021), Virtual.
R Nataraj, E LaGrassa, S Sanford, M Liu, "Variations in neuromuscular coupling and perceptions of control during precision grasp with altered visual feedback", Society for the Neural Control of Movement (April 2021), Virtual.
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Training with Agency-Inspired Feedback from a Sensor Glove in Virtual Reality to Improve Grasp Performance", 47th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (March 2021), Virtual.
S Sanford, B Collins, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Vibrotactile Feedback for Improved Control of Myoelectric Devices", 47th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (March 2021), Virtual.
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, R Nataraj, “Inducing Cognition of Secure Grasp to Accelerate Motor Rehabilitation from an Instrumented Glove”, Annual Meeting for Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, October 2020), Virtual.
S Sanford, M Liu, B Collins, R Nataraj, “Multi-sensory Feedback for Virtual Reality Based Rehabilitation and Myoelectric Control”, Annual Meeting for Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, October 2020), Virtual.
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, R Nataraj, "An Instrumented Glove to Induce Agency-based Performance of Secure Grasp", 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (August 2020), Virtual.
S Sanford, M Liu, T Selvaggi, R Nataraj, "Multi-Sensory Feedback for Myoelectric Control", 44th Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (August 2020), Virtual.
M Liu, S Wilder, S Sanford, R Nataraj, "Inducing Cognition of Secure Grasp and Agency to Accelerate Motor Rehabilitation from an Instrumented Glove", MOCO '20: 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing (July 2020), Virtual.
S Sanford, M Liu, T Selvaggi, R Nataraj, "The Effects of Visual Feedback Complexity on Training the Two-Legged Squat Exercise", MOCO '20: 7th International Conference on Movement and Computing (July 2020), Virtual.
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, "Inducing Cognition of Secure Grasp and Agency from an Intrsumented Glove", Johnson and Johnson Engineering Showcase (February 2020), New Brunswick, NJ.
S Sanford, M Liu, R Nataraj, "Multi-sensory feedback for myoelectric control", Johnson and Johnson Engineering Showcase (February 2020), New Brunswick, NJ.
K Walsh, S Sanford, R Nataraj, “Reduced Muscle Subsets in Machine Learning for Myoelectric Control”, Annual Meeting for Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, Oct 16-19, 2019), Philadelphia, PA.
S Sanford, M Liu, T Selvaggi, R Nataraj, “Visual Guided Training for Movement Assistance by Powered Devices”, Annual Meeting for Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, Oct 16-19, 2019), Philadelphia, PA.
M Liu, S Sanford, S Wilder, R Nataraj, “Inducing Cognition of Secure Grasp and Agency from an Instrumented Glove”, Annual Meeting for Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES, Oct 16-19, 2019), Philadelphia, PA.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, M Liu, S Wilder, “Computational Prediction of Grasp Performance on a Compliant Surface during Altered Visual Operation”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Columbia University (August 15, 2019), New York.
M Liu, S Wilder, R Nataraj, “Agency-based Devices for Rehabilitation and Movement Assistance”, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (April 2019), Rutgers University.
S Sanford, T Selvaggi, R Nataraj, “Visual Guided Training for Movement Assistance”, International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (April 2019), Rutgers University.
R Nataraj, “Cognitively Integrating Users and Devices for Movement Assistance” (Invited Oral Presentation), Northeast Biomedical Engineering Conference (NEBEC, March 2019), Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
D Hollinger, A Shah, R Nataraj “Accelerating Neuromotor Rehabilitation with Reward Feedback”, Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting (October 2018), Atlanta, GA.
A Shah, S Sanford, Y Chen, R Nataraj “Role of Cognitive Agency in Reach-to-Grasp Movement Performance”, American Society of Biomechanics (August 2018), Rochester, MN.
S Sanford, G Borodyansky, T Selvaggi, C Rybarski, A Shah, R Nataraj “Discrete Visual Feedback on Short-term Retention of Learned Movements”, American Society of Biomechanics (August 2018), Rochester, MN.
S Sanford, A Shah, G Borodyansky, V Srevatsan, R Nataraj “Dependence of Agency and Performance on Visualized Precision Pinch Force”, American Society of Biomechanics (August 2018), Rochester, MN.
R Nataraj, A Shah, S Sanford “Cognitive agency for rehabilitation of grasp performance”, Progress in Clinical Motor Control (July 2018), State College, PA.
R Nataraj, A Shah, S Sanford “Cognitive agency in visual-guided performance of hand grasp”, Society for Neural Control of Movement (May 2018), Santa Fe, NM.
R Nataraj, S Sanford, A Shah, Y Chen, G Borodyansky. V Srevatsan “Cognitive agency in hand grasp performance - implications for rehabilitation”, Neuroscience 2017 presented by the Society for Neuroscience (November 2017), Washington DC.
P Marasco, J Hebert, J Sensinger, C Shell, J Schofield, Z Thumser, R Nataraj, D Beckler, M Dawson, D Blustein, S Gill, R Granja-Vazquez, J Carey and B Orzell “Functional Kinesthetic Perception of Complex Bionic Hand Movements”, Myoelectric Control Symposium (August 2017), University of New Brunswick, Canada.
R Nataraj, AJ van den Bogert. “Simulation Analysis of Linear Quadratic Regulator Control of Gait – Implications for Exoskeleton Control”, American Society of Biomechanics (August 2016), North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.